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Accelerated Healing: Accessing Jesus' Finished Work of Divine Healing

From DotR's executive associate, John Proodian, comes a new book on divine healing.


If divine healing has already been purchased by Jesus' work, why are so may people still suffering?

If you've ever wondered why healing has been delayed, this book is for you. Accelerated Healing is a powerful message that will lift your hopes and inspire faith to release a new level of miracle power in your life!

Discover how to:

  • Access the healing power of the atonement.
  • Activate the "take it fast" principle when receiving your healing.
  • Build your faith by reading miracle stories of accelerated healings.
  • Operate in the gift of faith by cooperating with the Holy Spirit.
  • Create an atmostphere for accelerated miracles.

Overcome the pain of disappointment from past failed healing attempts. Reach out with renewed faith and power, and lay hold of Accelerated Healing!

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 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.  Psalm 19:14